Monday, September 30, 2019

Coffee mate study case Essay

Coffee Mate is made up of dried glucose and vegetable fat and it is considered as non-dairy although it contains milk derivatives. Some of them are liquid, others are reduced-fat and others are sugar free. There are also seasonal products that will keep you warm during the season, flavors only available from September through December. The brand is composed by 33 different products each of them aimed at different consumers depending on their preferences, this is explained with what is called Product Line Filling: a product can be offered with different characteristics, it first creates a product (in the case of Coffee Mate, its first product, the Coffee Mate The Original, was the starting point). Then, the company adds more features to that product, and that way it can be more differentiated from its competitors’ products. There are several reasons why a company might want to add more items to the present range of the line. It may want to increase profits, use the excess capacity it has, satisfying new consumers and that way, to increase the number of buyers†¦ Consumers are increasingly getting concerned about what they are eating and what companies offer them. The trend over the past few years is consuming products made up of natural ingredients. That is why Coffee Mate has created Natural Bliss, which is made up with only four simple ingredients: milk, cream, sugar and natural flavor. When a company increases the number of products in the brand, sometimes it can find itself in a situation of cannibalization (it happens if one part of a company grows by taking sales from another). Actual consumers can change from a variety to the new one so there is no benefit taken from new consumers. The company must focus on potential consumers, try to answer to the question, why some people do not buy our product? And create a new flavor that can attract new buyers. However when Coffee Mate  Lite was introduced, the volume of cannibalization was minimal. The brand experienced a growth of 10% during the first 3 years of the Lite version appearance. Another key point to add customer value to the product is throughout the design, the pack, the wrap of the product. At first, the package of the product had only one mission, to hold and protect the product inside, but nowadays packaging has become an important tool in marketing. Coffee Mate has different formats: 170 g, 311 g, 450 g, 750g, or 1.4kg. All the flavors can be found in both powder or liquid. Negatives about dried milk (powder) are that it may be bought only for emergency when consumers run out of milk and is considered to be inconvenient to prepare. On the other side, coffee creamers have a better image across non-users as they see it as almost a treat and make coffee taste so much better. SWOT ANALYSIS In order to make a good marketing analysis of the company, we have performed an analysis of advantages and limitations, selected a targeting strategy, performed segmentation and positioning, and analyzed the convenience of the proposed ad. +STRENGTHS: Consumers claim that Coffee Mate gives better taste to coffee Coffee Mate is said to relax and comfort consumers, it gives a good perception of the product. Coffee Mate belongs to Nestle, which is well-known and prestigious brand -WEAKNESSES: Sometimes seen as an emergency option It contains added sugar in it in some of its versions, which is seen as a bad habit for those who care about health +OPPORTUNITIES Lite version (has increased sales lately) -THREATS: Sales of creamers and dried milk are directly proportional to coffee sales, so in these times the reduction on coffee consumption may result on lower sales. It is considered to be an artificial product, and this goes against the increasing concern for natural and healthy food and drinks TARGETING, SEGMENTATION and POSITIONING To optimize marketing budget is key to target the market segments that better fit Coffee Mate’s strengths. The company must decide which and how many segments it will target. Market targeting can be taken at different levels: very broadly (mass marketing), very narrowly (micro marketing) or somewhere in between (differentiated or concentrated marketing). We have decided that Coffee Mate should be aimed at multiple segments and use concentrated marketing. Mass marketing: market strategy in which a firm decides to ignore market segment differences and go after the whole market with one offer. In this case this strategy will not fit with coffee mate fore several reasons: 1. It is difficult to develop a product that will satisfy all segments 2. Coffee Mate will have trouble competing with more product-focused firms Micro marketing: target marketing in which companies tailor their marketing programs to the needs and wants of narrowly defined segments. Given the recently squeezed advertising budget, choosing only one segment will result in less profitability. Concentrated marketing (or niche marketing): market strategy in which a firm goes after a large share of few submarkets. By doing this Coffee Mate could achieve a stronger market position that its actual 55% market share. It can market more effectively targeting each product toward those consumers’ segments that it can serve best. Having decided that Coffee Mate products should be aimed at multiple segments we need now to evaluate the attractiveness of each segment and their fit to Coffee Mate ´s strengths. TGI Users Surveys covering coffee and creamer’s markets came up with five potential groups of consumers for Coffee Mate: 1. Experimentalists (15.4%): Like to try new things Enjoy spending money Heavy users of instant coffee Below-average users of creamers BUT average users of Coffee Mate. 15-44 years Middle income Heavy users of media Keep up with the fashion, are stylish and will try anything new. Socialize often and holiday abroad Like to treat themselves Not really using Coffee Mate, as one would have expected. 2. Cost constrained, older, conservative (23.6%): Budget when shopping, price aware, look for lowest prices Very traditional Worry about food Light users of instant coffee Never use cream Average users of dried milk BUT not really users of Coffee Mate 55+ years Not working or retired Low household income Very conservative, like routine Socialize rarely 3. Affluent, young foodies (24.4%): Light users of media Heavy users of coffee and ground coffee Above-average users of creamers and most often buy Coffee Mate and Marvel Users of cream 35-54 years Above-average income and work full-time High expenditure on groceries store. Enjoy cooking and trying out new food Like socializing Health conscious Can afford to treat themselves 4. Cost constrained, young families (13.9%): Low incomes Not concerned about health or environment Heavy users of instant coffee but do not use ground coffee Below-average users of creamers and never use cream 15-34 years Heavy users of media Low expenditure on grocery store Rarely go out (can’t afford to) 5. Affluent (22.7%): Not price conscious, well off Old (55+) Not health conscious Not media aware The people most likely to be buying Coffee-Mate Do not want to try new things. After evaluating the different segments, we have concluded that the segment most likely to buy our product will be the EXPERIMENTALISTS and AFFLUENT YOUNG FOODIES. EXPERIMENTALISTS fit into Coffee Mate’s strengths (specially for Original Coffee Mate) in various ways: a) Social class (lower) b) Household type (2-3 people with children) Besides this, they are heavy users of media and are likely to consume instant coffee and cream. AFFLUENT YOUNG FOODIES fit into Coffee Mate’s average consumer for Coffee Mate Lite because of several reasons: a) Age segment b) Income level c) Working time The ad clearly pictures affluent young foodies with their After Eights and tea with another couple of the same group. It tries to compare both cream and CoffeeMate while stating that the latter is so much better when Jane runs out of cream and the guests praise her for their second cup of coffe more than the first one. The ad makes two clear statements: The first one, that the consumer always has a backup plan for when milk/cream runs out, since CoffeeMate is easy to store and lasts long enough. After being served the second cup, the guests show their enthusiasm for it because of the taste. This implies that while being a backup plan for cream lovers, it also turns out to be a much better substitute good for cream or even milk. Whether this ad is effective or not depends on the segment that we focus on. The biggest segment, the affluent young foodies -24.4% market share according to the study- can only grow with this ad. Even if they’ve never  tried it before, the ad will make the product appealing to them by insisting on the great flavor and the convenience of it, which is what most of this group looks for. Furthermore, it seems that the experimentalists are affluent young foodie wannabes. They are the same age group, they are really materialistic but they have a much smaller income than the former segment. This is why it looks like the ad could have this group as potential customers. They watch the ad, they want to act like those affluent people and they buy the product so they can reach that status at least in one aspect. They just follow suit in everything that has to do with the rich and hip. This is where we see the biggest increase in share due to their consumerism and pretentiousness. Lastly, we could squeeze another segment that this ad could reach; the affluent. The affluent segment has also got a big market share, although they are older than the two studied groups. CoffeeMate is trying to show in this ad that it is reliable and that it’s always a good backup plan, and older people can be interested in the product since they have people home for meals, and they would not want to run out of anything and not make their guests fully happy. The only downside for this segment is that they don’t usually watch TV or listen to the radio, so the ad would have to be in the newspapers or find a way to sneak into their radar. Alternatively, if the focus on experimentalists is desired we would recommend, instead of making a conventional ad, promoting the product and the brand via Twitter or Facebook. These are such powerful tools for targeting this segment since they are young and they are really influenced by what they see in others that social media could really boost up sales. This could be done by creating a page of Coffee Mate and uploading â€Å"cool† things, making the brand interact with their potential customers. See figure 1. ANNEX FIGURE 1 Coffee Mate is part of a growing number of businesses that use social media  marketing in their efforts to gain exposure†¦but also to build relationships with their customers and get permission to market to them directly†¦as long as they do it in a soft, acceptable fashion. The promotion would need to be shaped so that they would focus on the core benefits that the Coffee-Mate offers. This has to be at least as good as the targeted competitor. They also have to be aware of how the competitor currently markets his product. By knowing how he operates they could either copy and improve the existing one or then completely change and try a more radical approach. If the Coffee-Mate would want to succeed they would need to convince the consumer how he can benefit from our product better in contrast to the competitor. As we have seen before, for example in the ad, Coffee-Mate has a range of benefits which are focused on different necessities of coffee drinkers such as being a great backup plan for when milk/cream runs out, since Coffee-Mate is easy to store and lasts long enough or having a myriad of different flavors which can in many occasions be a better substitute for milk or cream, which are the immediate competitors of Coffee-Mate. When having to advertise (twitter, TV ads, newspaper, etc) the product focusing on the benefits and the competition targeted, the promotion of Coffee-Mate should include (as the ad pictures perfectly) the disadvantages the other competitors have, such as running out of cream or milk more often or being a dull boring flavor and on the other hand state the great range of flavors Coffee-Mate offers coffee lovers which will certainly attract experimentalists as they look forward to try new experiences and insist that it is a great substitute when cream or milk run out, which for affluent young foodies as they are more likely to socialize and serve coffee to their guests, will be a much more suitable and comfortable option. Experimentalists Marketing means persuading, getting people aware of our product by advertisements. A company banks on the idea that a celebrity will drive fans to try a product or service, simply because Celebrity X has it. To persuade our customers (experimentalists), we have chosen for our ad of Coffee Mate Blake Lively drinking a cup of coffee. We have chosen this celebrity to attract the experimentalists due to the fact that is a Hollywood personality known by almost all the young people, we can  considerate her as a fashion icon, she started to get famous with Gossip Girl and nowadays people around 15 to 24 consider her as an prototype, This ad goes directly directed to the experimentalist, as their name suggest, experimentalists are easy targeting as they would like to try out new products. They also have high media awareness and are status conscious and fashionable. Affluent, young foodies Light users of media Heavy users of coffee and ground coffee Above-average users of creamers and most often buy Coffee Mate and Marvel Users of cream 35-54 years Above-average income and work full-time High expenditure on groceries store. Enjoy cooking and trying out new food Like socializing Health conscious, can afford to treat themselves Richard Gere Richard Gere is a well-known actor, even though he is now in his early sixties he is an icon for many men as the prototype of an attractive, handsome man which may enter in the ideal standard of living of anyone, taking into account his films and social apparitions. Many women also know him for the same reasons and may see him as the â€Å"perfect† man. As the target market here are affluent young foodies, whose characteristics are stated above, a middle-high standard of living, the possibility of affording to treat themselves and the age group make it perfect for him to help position Coffee-Mate in this segment, as many of these people would like to copy his lifestyle. Noticing Richard Gere prefers Coffee-Mate might make this group want to drink coffee as he does. Bibliography Coffee Mate Offical website: Non Dairy Creamers Info: Coffee Mate twitter: Principles of Marketing, Fifth European Edition

Bad corporate governance Essay

Approach Governance Governing is a process of implementing decisions, rules and regulations in a group of people. Its concept has been widely used by companies to make their workers comply a set of agreed actions that were done and ordered by the management. The management’s ways of doing rules and policies has a big effect in a company’s performance as a whole. As decision making is vital to a company, the management should be equipped with the knowledge of how they are going to make their decisions every day. Study of Good and Bad Governance Good Governance Good governance will surely give benefits to the company, employees, customers and suppliers. Its implemented decisions had considered the characteristics of Participation, Rule of Law, Transparency, Responsiveness, Consensus Orientation, Equity and Inclusiveness, Effectiveness and Efficiency and Accountability that if complied well, it will bring good feedbacks and result to the company. Bad Governance Mismanagement has always been a problem in all companies which is a start of bad governance. Bad governance emerges when conflict rises among people who are involved in the company. It includes conflict of interest, political issues among members of the company, social problems, discrimination, lack of participation and more. When employees or the people concerned to the company starts to ask questions about the decision of the company’s management, then there is an unclear part in that certain decisions being implemented that employees do not understand or agreed. Analysis All companies have their different mission and vision as their instrument and inspiration to be the best that they can to survive in a very competitive market. In this paper, we will examine the different possible causes why the UK Industrial Company and MISnet Inc. failed. Sample Study: The UK Industrial Company Failure The UK Industrials is composed of 539 firms and observed from 1988-1993. From table 1, we can see that from the original 539 companies, 56 companies from the group exit the firm because of its financial stabilities. This resulted to shake to the whole company making it like a domino effect to fail the company. The case study made by John Hunter and Natalia Isachenkova for the UK industries explained that the result of the UK Industrial failure is its lack of knowledge in determining the financial stability of the industry which is very important for investment decisions at the micro level. Individuality also played a big part in their failure because the study showed a big evidence of division from different panels as such, decision making regarding the industries financial problem, profits, liquidity, turnovers and changes were greatly affected. Aside from the causes of failure mentioned, the industry is also said to have focused on their current cash flow rather than also thinking about the future economic value of the firm according in their future cash flows.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Difference Between Gdp, Gnp and Nnp

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total market value of all final goods and services produced in an economy in a year or a given time period within a country’s borders (domestic output). This includes all production, both material and intellectual, everything produced by government and private business as well as consumer goods and capital construction. Gross national product (GNP) is the total income earned by a country’s factors of production in a year or a given time period, regardless of where assets are located (nations' output).Net national product (NNP) is the total market value of all final goods and services produced by residents in a country during a given time period. The difference between GDP and GNP is the net foreign income (NFI), which is the difference between factor payments received from the foreign sector by domestic citizens and factor payments made to foreign citizens for domestic production. The â€Å"gross† in GDP and GNP indicates that there is no allowance for depreciation (capital consumption), value lost that occurs to inventory while it sits before being sold or consumed or the amount of capital resources used up in the production process.That is the difference between GDP and NNP. Depreciation (DP) is a reduction in the value of an asset with the passage of time, due to wear and tear. It can include consumption of goods in the production of other goods or services. Examples are the wear and tear that occurs with capital equipment such as machinery, transportation vehicles, office equipment and tools (all of these items eventually wear down and need to be replaced), accidental damage, obsolescence or retirement of capital assets. GDP is most commonly calculated by the expenditure method.It is done by adding consumer expenditure (C) + firm’s investments (I) + government spending (G) + exports minus imports (X-M). GNP is calculated by taking GDP + net property income from abroad (NFI). NNP is calculated b y taking GNP – DP. For example, if a Chinese company operates and earn profits in Australia, the income is included in Australia’s GDP but not China’s GDP. This is because the production took place in Australia. However, the profits earned are included in China’s GNP but not Australia’s GNP.This is because China owns the assets. There is also nominal GDP, which is today’s output at today’s prices and real GDP, today’s output at base-year prices. To calculate real GDP, we take the nominal GDP, use a ‘GDP deflator’ and adjust it for inflation. Inflation is the sustained increase in overall level of prices. This will overstate the value of GDP even if there has not been any increase in economic activity. The GDP deflator is a price index, which includes all good and services, rather than just consumer goods and services.

How will future changes affect Human Resource Management Essay

Introduction Human Resource Management (HRM) has become more important to society in the past twenty years, going through many changes already. But how will it adapt in the future. What are the predictions for the future and how will HRM cope? The forthcoming document analyses the history of HRM, predicts what will happen in the future of employment and the changes that HRM will have to consider to be able to keep functioning. The History of HRM According to Winning (Online), Personnel Management has been around since the early 1920’s but mainly just to support employees and also keep them away from being part of unions as it wasn’t in the company’s interest to encourage unions then. It was the 1960’s where Personnel Management started to get recognised slightly more, at this time it was still being called Personnel Management. This changed in mid 1980’s when Personnel Management started to be seen as something that is actually important to a company. The image of Personnel Management got given a face-lift and was now referred to as Human Resource Management or HRM. The reasons for this being that the powers of the trade unions were decaying slowly. Staff functions also began to change with more technology being introduced, which introduced the start of HRM (Mullins, 1999) Personnel Management was recognised on a low level before the introduction of HRM, but still had a part to play in the negotiations of machinery in the 1960’s and 1970’s. The introduction of HRM brought around many questions about the similarities and differences between HRM and personnel management. The main differences are stated that Personnel Management is an employee centred activity including more opinions than facts, and that HRM is a resource centred activity with more planning, monitoring and control. Functions of HRM The HRM department varies from organisation to organisation. But there are some specific tasks that need to be completed by every organisation. Some organisations are just too small to have a separate HRM department, but they still need to complete these specific tasks by whichever means. All organisations have to recruit employees by going through the recruitment and selection process. Larger organisations will have specific guidelines by which they follow to complete this process; some smaller companies may not have these guidelines, but they still have to abide by the law. Any staff that are employed need to be trained in their job with compliance to any laws relating to the role. Larger companies will offer a development plan to run along side the training, but even smaller companies need to train staff. The HRM function in the company adheres to any legislation set by the Government. All organisations must have a motivation and reward scheme or the employee turnover will be high as everyone has needs, whether it is basic or social needs. Employee records need to be maintained in accordance with the data protection act. If things are not kept legal in the organisation then it will be in trouble. The HRM department/function sees that everything operates correctly. Specific HRM departments looks after the employees and their welfare in the organisation, taking care of wages and dealing with personal issues that may arise with particular employees. Although many line managers will carry out such functions in smaller organisations. Predictions for the future and how it will affect HRM HRM has come along way over the years. Since the 1980s there has been a significant but gradual change from Personnel management to HRM, being recognised as something that is becoming more important to organisations. With many people not joining unions and expecting more care from companies, it is something that had to happen to keep good relations. The key issues to discuss are the acceleration of technology and homeworkers having an affect on HRM in the future. Such issues such as outsourcing, planning and future attitudes also need to be considered. The future is always hard to predict but an issue that is becoming obvious is that technology will play a huge part of what is to come. The Internet and computer technology is moving very fast, one business year is seven Internet years according to Dr Patrick Dixon (online). With growth like this, the Internet will be a backbone for society before long. In 2000 62% of all businesses functioned with Internet access as table 1.1 shows in Appendix 1. This demonstrates how important the Internet has become to businesses and the way they operate. 50% of businesses in the UK have their own web site now as well, so only 12% of the businesses with Internet access don’t choose to have a web site. Having a web site catches another corner of the market and makes a company grow considerably, this would allow employees to work from home and brings lower costs for the businesses. E-Commerce is beginning to take off as table 1.3 shows in Appendix 1, 16% of businesses trade in this way over the Internet. E-Commerce is quite a new concept and the fact that 16% of businesses trade this way already is shocking. Since 1999, table 1.4 on Appendix 1 shows that the supply of ICT products has escalated by 150%. This is a very clear indication that technology is growing at a very high speed. Therefore the future of HRM will have to work around this and face the facts that with the lower costs for businesses and job losses HRM will have to seriously change the way operations are conducted. The question is where do they start making changes. Perhaps an Internet based solution could be planed and trailed, but part of HRM is face-to-face communication with employees, which is also something else that will need to be considered when bringing in any changes. Home and work integration is already starting with 0.7% of the population in 1996 working from home (Appendix 2a), this figure is practically unchanged from 1996 with the 2000 figure being the same. But in 2001 there are some significant findings, the figure not being vastly different from the above but, as the Office of National Statistics states (Appendix 2b), â€Å"Homeworking is most common among women, but among men it is the associate professional and technical occupations where homeworking is most common.† Office of National Statistics (Online) This means if technology keeps progressing like it is today, more and more people will work from home. As most men that are homeworking have professional and technical occupations, the growth of technology keeps the doors firmly opened for men to easily work from home (Appendix 2b). The impact on HRM is huge, it will have to keep up with this and find a way to be able to carry on functioning. But with homeworkers, if they are located all around the country, communication is hard. HRM may have to become like door-to-door salesman, having HRM representatives knocking on employees door for a review. Some organisations are already predicting this in the future and have taken certain measures to try and either delay or combat the problem. For example Google, ironically an Internet based company, keep their workers on-site and have brought in excellent benefits for employees, a few examples being a free gourmet lunch five days a week and a doctor, dentist and massage therapists on-site (Google job opportunities, 2004) In the past employers have been thinking of schemes to try and boost the company and its profits, but before long schemes will have to be brought in to retain and motivate employees. Employees are the way of the future whether they work from home or stay on-site. On-site workers will need an incentive to stay on-site and home workers will need support with the issues that arise from homeworking such as motivation, friendship and fulfilment. Has Google set the trend for the future? There are other issues that have to be considered such as outsourcing, planning, and future attitudes. Outsourcing, according to Deloitte Research (Appendix 3), by 2008 will have two million financial service jobs moved to India, as it is cheaper for companies to locate there. If other companies follow the trend that financial services has started, lower paid jobs may become reduced to a minimum in the UK leaving unemployment at an all time high. HRM will be cut in this case and only used in the higher paid jobs. Another alternative for HRM is being told by employers to still look after branches in India. How will this be achieved? Perhaps Video Conferencing or relocation for many workers is an option. If more people are having to think about highly paid jobs in the future, things such as friends and family may have to become very planned out for people. The society we live in may become false with everyone focused on getting a job leaving things in our lives, such as finding friends, being all about getting into a certain job. HRM employees will have to be very careful; they may find they are finding many new friends that are very interested in where they work. HRM will have to become a very tight profession to go into, everything being planned to the fine detail, even perhaps who your friends can or cannot be. Future Attitudes will pave out a lot of what the future will be like. Some jobs may become redundant if no one in the future wants to do it. What will happen when young workers cannot get onto the house ladder? Many people now work to support their family and cannot afford to leave a job, will workers of the future feel the same, if they have no house and no young family, what will attitudes be like? How will the HRM department stop young workers from leaving and moving from job to job? How will HRM try and get employees to have company loyalty. These are issues to be addressed for the future if social attitudes hit an all time low. The effect of these changes on traditional HRM functions If people will be working from home the whole recruitment and selection process will have to change. Perhaps a home visit interview will have to be deliberated by companies to find the correct candidates. How will training be issued and measured? Possibly by post, email or web site even. Will HRM representative have to go to employee’s houses to deliver a training package? HRM will have to investigate what would be the most effective measure. How can HRM deliver motivation to a self-motivated homeworker? There is no way possible that HRM can motivate homeworkers when they work at home on their own all day. A homeworker just have to motivate themselves, but HRM can think of social activities designed to get homeworkers out of the house and perhaps targets that they get rewards for. Personal issues and employee welfare will be the hardest thing to monitor. If the HRM department are not getting to know employees through the work place, they do not know what this person is like which makes it harder to get to know them let alone assess their needs. Conclusion HRM will face many problems of how they are going to plan and organise people in the company, facing difficulties of how and where people are working and monitoring this. As HRM is also responsible for employee well-being, but without being in a specific work place more issues of motivation, friendship, respect and fulfilment will have to be addressed and dealt with in a specific manner. If the predictions come true HRM will be under a lot of stress to completely change over the next few years. The operations they undertake from day to day will have to be managed in such a way it incorporates every eventuality.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Html Studyguide

The general syntax of a CSS style rule is selector { property1: value1; property2: value2; property3: value3; } Order in which style sheets are interpreted. The more specific style is applied instead of the more general. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Browser’s internal style sheet User-defined style sheet Author’s external style sheet Author’s embedded style sheet Author’s inline style sheet User-Defined Styles Almost all browsers allow users to modify the default settings of the internal style sheet. External Style SheetsTo link to an external style sheet use the following text directly above the closing head text tag: Embedded Style Sheets Styles are inserted directly within the head element of an HTML document using the style element: styles Or h1 {Color: red; Text-align: center;} The order in which external and embedded style sheets are processed depends on the order in which they are listed within the HTML file. In the below example the loads the external style sheet first and then the embedded SS. If the order were switched the imported SS gets processed after the embedded one. h1 {Color: red; Text-align: center;} Inline Styles Applied directly to specific elements using the style attribute: †¦ Importing Style Sheets To import a style sheet to a master style sheet use the @import statement BEFORE any other style rules: @import url(url); or for example @import url(sa_styles. css); Exploring the Style Cascade As a general rule of thumb, all other things being equal, the more specific style is applied instead of the more general . An additional factor in applying a style sheet is that properties are passed from a parent element to its children in a process known as style inheritance. body {color: blue;} h1 {text-align: center;} If you need browsers to enforce a style, you can append the ! important keyword to the style property, using the syntax: property: value ! mportant; Defining Color in CSS A color value is a numerical expression that describes the properties of a color CSS represents these intensities mathematically as a set of numbers called an RGB triplet, which has the format color: rgb(red, green, blue); color:#redgreenblue ; background-color: color; color: color; or or or or color: rgb(255,255,0); color:#FFFF00; background-color: rgb(255,255,0); or color:#FFFF00; or color:white; CSS also allows RGB values to be entered as hexadecimal numbers To set th e background color of an element, use the below property where color is a color name or a color value. To set the foreground or text color of an element, use the following property: color: rgb(255,255,0); or or CSS3 also supports the Hue Saturation Lightness (HSL) model that describes colors based on hue, saturation, and lightness hsl(hue, saturation, lightness) rgba(red, green, blue, opacity) hsl(360, 100%, 100%) rgba(255, 255, 255, 0. 8) hsla(360, 100%, 100%, 0. 2) CSS3 also allows page designers to augment RGB and HSL color with opacity where 0 = completely transparent and 1 = completely opaque. hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, opacity) or Selectors and Text Styles Web pages are structured documents in which elements are nested within other elements, forming a hierarchy of elements. To create styles that take advantage of this tree structure, CSS allows you to create contextual selectors whose values represent the locations of elements within the hierarchy: 1) 2) 3) 4) Parent elements Child elements Sibling elements Descendant elements Contextual Selectors Attribute Selectors Selectors also can be defined based on attributes and attribute values associated with elements. Two attributes, id and class, are often key in targeting styles to a specific element or group of elements. Styling Web Page Text The default font used by most browsers is Times New Roman, but you can specify a different font for any page element using the property: font-family: fonts; or font-family: ‘Arial Black’, gadget, sans-serif; Setting Font Face and Sizes: Sizes can be relative or absolute. To define a font face, use the style property: font-family: fonts; font-size: size; letter-spacing: size; word-spacing: size; To specify the font style, use the below style where type is normal, italic, or oblique. ont-style: type; To specify the font weight, use the below format where type is normal, bold, bolder, light, lighter, or a font weight value. font-weight: type; To specify a text decoration, use the below format where type is none, underline, overline, or line-through. text-decoration: type; To transform text, use the below code where type is capitalize, uppercase, lowercase, or none. text-transform: type; To display a font variant of text, use the below format where type is normal or small-caps. ont-variant: type; You can combine most of the text and font styles into a single property using the shortcut font property font: font-style font-variant font-weight font-size/line-height font-family; Combining Text Format in a single style or or or font-family: ‘Arial Black’, gadget, sans-serif; font-size: 0. 5in; or font-size: 36pt; font-size: 0. 5in; or font-size: 3pc; or font-size: 1. 7em; To set a font size, use the below style property where size is a CSS unit of length in either relative or absolute units. To set kerning (the space between letters), use the following style property: To set tracking (the space between words), use the following style property: Designing a List To define the appearance of the list marker, use the style below where type is disc, circle, square, decimal, decimal-leading-zero, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, upper-alpha, lower-greek, upper-greek, or none. list-style-type: type; To insert a graphic image as a list marker, use the style below where url is the URL of the graphic image file. ist-style-image: url(url); To set the position of list markers, use the style below where position is inside or outside. list-style-position: position; To define all of the list style properties in a single style, use the following style: list-style: type url(url) position; To set the indentation of a list, apply the style below where size is the length that the list should be indented. padding-left: size; Using Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements A pseudo-class is a c lassification of an element based on its current status, position, or use in the document selector:pseudo-class {styles;} Structural Psuedo Classes

The Theory of Settlement in the City of Vadodara

Theory Of Settlement City – Vadodara Vadodara is situated on the bank of river Vishwamitra. Vadodara metropolis is the 3rd largest metropolis in the province of Gujarat with an country of 149sq.kms and a population of 13.06 lakh occupants as per 2001 nose count. The metropolis was one time called Chandanavati after its swayer Raja Chandan of Dor folk of Rajputs, who wrested it from the Jains. The capital had besides another name â€Å" Virakshetra † or â€Å" Virawati † ( A Land of Warriors ) . Subsequently on it was known as Vadpatraka or Wadodara , which harmonizing to tradition is a corrupt signifier of the Sanskrit word Vatodar means ‘In the bosom of the Banyan tree ‘ . Baroda can possess of one of the finest castles in India. Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad commissioned the celebrated British Architects, Major Mant and Chisolm to work on Laxmi Vilas castle. Designed in the Indo- Saracenic manner, it is rather a long thrust from the immense created Fe Gatess with the mounted royal emblem, to the entry. The colorful frescoes in Italian manner on the walls of the castle surprise you with their glare. Beautiful statues, marble fountains, Moorish arcades and stained glass Windowss adorn the construction. The metropolis is on the major rail and route arterias fall ining Mumbai with Delhi and Mumbai with Ahmedabad. Because of this Vadodara is known as a ‘Gateway to the Golden Corridor’ . National Highway No. 8 base on ballss through the metropolis. All superfast and express trains arrest at Vadodara Railway Station. Vadodara besides has an airdrome which is really good connected with the other major airdromes of India. Till the early 1960’s Baroda was considered to be a cultural and educational Centre. The first modern mill ( Alembic Pharmaceuticals ) was established in Baroda in 1907 and later companies such as Sarabhai Chemicals, Jyoti, etc. , came up in the fortiess. By 1962 there were 288 mills using 27510 workers. At that clip, the dominant industrial groups were chemicals and pharmaceuticals, cotton fabrics and machine tools In 1962, Baroda witnessed a sudden jet in industrial activity with the constitution of Gujarat Refinery. Several factors like natural stuff handiness, merchandise demand, adept mobilization of homo, fiscal and material resources by the authorities and private enterprisers have contributed to Baroda going one of India’s foremost industrial Centres. The find of oil and gas in Ankleshwar and North Gujarat led to the industrial development of Gujarat in a large manner. The Baroda part is the largest donee in the procedure of this industrialization. Gujarat Refinery went into the first stage of production in 1965. The refinery being a basic industry made critical parts on several foreparts at the regional and national degrees. InchThymineRoentgenDoctor of optometryUracilCThymineIon:VADOCalciferolARoentgenAVadodara, one of India’s most widely distributed metropoliss, is located to the south E of Ahmedabad, on the Bankss of river Vishwamitri.The territory is referred to as theâ€Å"SansKaRNitrogenatabunRI†( City of Culture ) due to its rich cultural traditions Vadodara is celebrated for its castles, Parkss, temples and museums Known as the ‘Gateway to the Golden Corridor’ , as all the rail and route arterias that link Delhi, Mumbai and Ahmedabad besides connect Vadodara, including the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor ( DMIC )The territory has 12 talukas, 15 towns and 1,548 small towns, of which the major towns are Vadodara( District Headquarter ) , Savli, Waghodia, Padra, Dabhoi, Karjan and Sankheda.Vadodara deserve the particular topographic point in the province of Gujarat In footings of industrial development,In the twelvemonth of 1907 Vadodara have the most modern Industry Alem bic ( Pharmaceuticals ) , which is a discovery for the metropolis development Subsequently than after there are many other industries like Sarabhai chemicals and Jyoti came up in the 1940s.At the terminal of the 1962 there were more than 288 companies offering more than 27,000employments, and so Bank of Baroda came up in the twelvemonth of 1908, by the Sayajirao three to offer their services to the communities. 1800000 1600000 DadUracilLiterATIONGramRoentgenOxygenWTH 1666703 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 1306035 1250000 1150000 1031346 734473 467487 298398 211407 Seriess 1 30 27 25 19.6 20 15 10 21.620.97 1413.49 Birth Rate Annual Natural Growth Rate 5 0 1981-19911991-20012001-2011 Death Rate2 GermaniumNEracubic decimetergRotungstenThursdayRaTeVs AcTualINdegree CelsiussRvitamin Ease 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1971 – 1981 1981 – 1991 1991 – 2001 2001 – 2011 Seriess 1 Seriess 2 This shows the two graphs of existent growing rate and general population growing rate.So clearly the difference in the countries becomes the migration population due to assorted factors like industrialisation. Table 1. Population of ‘ adodara YearPopula tion ( lakh'5 ) 1981134 1991103l A' e-rageannual grourtb rate 1 ( % ) 200111.062.39, o/o2005 ( Estimated )14_6'92.99,o/o2011 ( ProjecIBd )17.542.99,o/oBeginning. : Census 2001 Table 3.Composition of Gr ° ‘ 1h CompositionPopulation addition dming1981-91% of tota cubic decimeter1991-2001% of tota cubic decimeterNatural addition1,6865556.8 %1,6090958.6 %Immigration1,2821243.2 %11378641.4 %Jurisdictional alterationN.AN.AN.AN.AEntire addition296,867100.0 %274,695100.0 %Beginning: Population Research Centre. Vadodara Note: It is weU known that the enrollment of births and deceases is non cent per centum. peculiarly for the earlier period.The estimations are hence capable to completeness of enrollment. Table. .Built-up A rea in tbe Va doda Ra Ta h1kaYea RBuilt up Area ( .i ; q kilometer )Change Built up Area ( sq kilometer )197872.66–1990112.7240.062001158.0945.37 Indian PETROCHEMICALS CORPORATION LIMITED The formation of Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited ( IPCL ) as a populace sector company was a apogee of the thought procedure of the Government on the Industry. The Corporation was incorporated on 22nd March, 1969 as a Company under the Companies Act, 1956 with its registered office at PO Petrochemicals, District Vadodara-391346 Vadodara Urban Development Authority is constituted under the commissariats of the Gujarat town Planning and Urban Development act 1976. Started working from 1st February 1978. The bill of exchange Development program was prepared and published on 17-5-79. Approved by the Government on 22-12-83 and in force from 25-11-84 The Preparation of 1st Development Plan was based on approaching twenty old ages continuance i.e. projected population up to twelvemonth 2000 and their necessities were taken attention. Information on some of the key participants that have made significant investings in Vadodara during the period from 1983 to 2011 is given holla.ALEMBIC-1907GACL- 1973GSFC- 1962IOCL- 1961IPCL- 1969APOLLO TYRES LTD- 1972ASEA BROWN BOVERI LTD- 1949COxygenNorth carolinaLiterUnited statesIONS:The metropolis has witnessed high growing ( 40 % ) from 1981 to 1991. However, it could non keep the impulse of growing ; the growing rate slowed down to 26 % in the last decennary, 1991— 2001.The population registered in 2001 was 13.06 hundred thousand as against 10.31 lakhs 1991.The compounded one-year growing rate ( CAGR ) has been steadily worsening from 4.64 % in 1971- 81 to 3.45 % in 1981-1991, and farther to 2.39 % in 1991-2001.The population in 2005 has been estimated at around 14.69 hundred thousand. The population projection for2011 is estimated around 17.54 hundred thousand and is based on the hypothesis that the metropolis would turn at a changeless rate due to the increasing urba nisation in the province.Entire population and growing rate of population over the last 5 old ages: Population of Vadodara 1,839,428 Year Population ( hundred thousand ) Average one-year growing rate ( % ) 1981 7.34 4.64 % 1991 10.31 3.45 %2001 13.06 2.39 % 2005 ( Estimated ) 14.69 2.99 % 2011 ( Projected ) 17.54 2.99 %The metropolis witnessed a sudden jet in industrial activity with the constitution of the Gujarat refinery in 1962.Assorted large-scale industries such as Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals ( GSFC ) , Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited ( IPCL ) and Gujarat Alkalis and Chemicals Limited ( GACL ) have come up in the locality of the Gujarat Refinery.The constitution of big industrial units in this part has automatically brought into being a figure of smaller endeavors.Several factors like natural stuff handiness, merchandise demand, and adept mobilisation of homo, fiscal and material resources by the authorities and private enterprisers had contributed to Vad odara’s flower as one of India’s foremost industrial Centres.But, with increased competition in the planetary market and failures to get by with the economic impulse, Vadodara’s economic system has slowed down RoentgenTocopherolFERTocopherolNorth carolinaTocopherolSecond:ISBN: 9780978951702(Anjacubic decimeterICalciferolvitamin EsaI)ISBN:25301357(LLCBacillusOOklahomas)ISBN 978-0-86132-214-5(FatesiNghouravitamin DTabunvitamin Ekilowattavitamin D)i? ¶iˆ vadodara-101208075231-phpapp02hypertext transfer protocol: // – pdf08_chapter 4 – pdf

Friday, September 27, 2019

Legal Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Legal Questions - Assignment Example 1) Civil Rights Act of 1964: This legislation ended racial segregation and discrimination in public accommodations, such as schools, hospitals and transport system. It also made it illegal for an employer to discriminate against anyone based on race, color, religion, or sex (Scheb and Stephens, 2011). 3) Voting Rights Act (1965): This piece of legislation gave all Americans the right to vote regardless of race, sex, color, or religion. In addition, it brought to an end the literacy tests. Further, it mandated the U.S. attorney to intervene in case of discrimination. The civil right legislations supplement the Equal Protection Clause in the sense that it protects citizens from all forms of discrimination that the Equal Protection Clause also protects people against. The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment protects citizens from being denied equal protection of the law by the state. This implies that the state has an obligation to treat every person equally in similar circumstances and conditions (Scheb and Stephens, 2011). Normally, when a police officer suspects that an individual is likely to commit a crime, he is allowed to stop the person, tie the suspect’s hands in the outer garments, and search if the suspect may be carrying a hidden weapon. This act of stopping and tying and searching a suspect is what is termed stop and frisk (del Carmen, 2012). Reasonable suspicion and probable cause and legal standards used by police officers in the enforcement of law. Reasonable suspicion is the presumption made by a police officer that a crime has committed or is about to be committed. These reasonable presumptions are based on facts and the situation, which are informed by the police officer’s training and experience. Reasonable suspicion is applicable when a police strongly suspect that an individual has committed a crime or is likely to commit a

I Hate Homework. I Assign It Anyway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

I Hate Homework. I Assign It Anyway - Essay Example She says that despite hating homework, she still assigns it to her students just to conform to the formality of teachers assigning homework. She is not afraid to say that she does not give homework’s willingly. The only reason as to why she gives homework is because if she didn’t, she would be considered as an underperformer and a teacher who doesn’t care about improving students. At the beginning of her career, she gave lots of homework and did not care if the students complained about workload or not. She expected them to do the homework and follow the rules of the teacher without any complaints (Lahey retrieved from ). The writer seeks to justify her position by explaining that at one point she also gave homework just like any other teacher. By doing this, she tries to say that she has tried both sides of the issue before coming up with her stand. She manages her risk by providing a detailed explanation of why she considers her argument right. After being into the teaching career for thirteen years, she has raised a son, and she now experiences homework as a teacher and as a parent. She feels bad seeing her little, so Ben stressed up with homework (Lahey retrieved from ). She now considers the impact homework has to the students before assigning is to them. She says that the homework takes the place of her son’s childhood. When assigning homework, she never forgets the sacrifice that the child is going to give in order to order to complete the homework. She strongly defends her position in the issue and hopes to convince other teachers on the issue. However, her topic comes in a period when academic excellence has high value and parents are more interested in seeing their children

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Contemporary Issues for Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Contemporary Issues for Business - Essay Example Globalization has its own advantages and curses. With the help of globalization countries can share their surplus resources with the other countries. It creates a sense of unity in global arena. On the other hand globalization has its own negatives. Due to globalizations, countries which are having weak economy are significantly over dependent upon economically strong countries. Here in this case of Ukraine crisis, two economic super powers are fighting among each other and are imposing bans and trade sanctions. All these bans and trade sanctions have very serious consequences for the global fraternity. Economically weak countries which are highly dependent upon strong countries feel the pressure significantly. With the help of this essay economic consequences caused by the various trade sanctions related with Ukraine crisis will be evaluated. The essay will analyze all the critical factors in a detailed fashion. The above picture is indicating that, various nations across the world do high level business with Russia as far as the food and agricultural exports are concern. In fact the country which is taking some proactive measures to impose sanction upon Russia i.e. US also does almost $1.6 billion food and agricultural business with Russia. It means economies of all these countries are significantly dependent upon the export. So there is no shadow of doubt that there are high negative economic consequences on the above shown countries. Especially European Union is the highest exporter of food and agricultural products to Russia. Trade sanctions have most adverse economic consequences on the EU economy only. Due to all the trade sanctions EU and other nations as well are deprived of foreign currency. Generally EU exports almost â‚ ¬11.9bn agricultural products to Russia. The ban can reduce almost â‚ ¬5.3bn business. It

MKTG 4050 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

MKTG 4050 - Essay Example The Strength and weakness are within the organization. And the opportunity and threat are from the respective markets. Strength: the main strength is the brand name McDonald’s. However, the brand name is been maintained by the highly skilled professionals within the organization and the new product, that is the Healthy meal is having a great strength within the name itself. Most of the people buy the brand instead of buying the product. And if the McDonald’s can sustain the internal strength then the new product will be a successful approach. Weakness: The weakness is one of the factors which pull a product down from the top to the bottom. One of the main weaknesses is the fixed menu of the new product. It is true that the new menu for the Healthy meal is suitable for the kids and the elders as far as the health issues are concern. But, there are many competitors are there who are having optional items in the meal menu. Opportunity: Obesity has become one of the major issues for the fast food industries. Sixty three percent say that obesity has become one of the major issues globally (Levi 49). The fast food is among the main reasons for the alarming rate of obesity due to the calorie contains in the fast foods. The Healthy Meal has mashed potatoes instead of fried and baked food instead od deep fried and that is the main opportunity within the industry. Threat: the threat is the competition. There are many competitors are there who provided healthy food and they are Subway, Taco Bell, and Berger King. The Taco Bell has a menu option for the healthy meal and that is very much threatening for the new product of the McDonald’s. However, McDonald’s healthy meal for kids has all the foods which are healthy. The opportunity and the strength are very much closely related. In this health conscious market the healthy meal is the primary opportunity for McDonald’s and at the same time the well trained staffs can make it big. The

Emerging Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Emerging Technologies - Essay Example in law enforcement in an attempt to support police work in different forms for instance computer technology offers a wide variety of software tools and applications that can be used for examining data like that geographic information systems and entering information regarding crimes in databases. At the present, the advancements and developments in information technologies have required from law enforcement agencies to make use of the most excellent technology obtainable to carry out data analysis, respond to crises, protect people and stop crimes. In addition, a lot of researches have shown that computer technology can be used to increase the efficiency of police work; however it needs to be integrated with definite organizational activities which are implemented to take advantage of data availability. In this scenario, computer technology works as a wonderful tool for police to help them achieve their wider and more and more complicated tasks. Additionally, the research has also sh own that computer technology has significant effect on performance of police work. In other words, it can be said that if police department makes effective use of information technology, it can improve their performance and importance. In view of that, it is vital to gain knowledge of that how much information technology is useful for a police force (Ellahi & Manarvi, 2010). Moreover, before the implementation of information technology into the police stations, crime related data and information was stored by hand. However, at the present, the arrival of information technology offers wonderful techniques and technologies to store huge volumes of data which are not station specific; to a certain extent it can be used by all of the police officers. In other words, it can be said that after... In the past few years, the events of computer-related crime and telecommunications fraud have augmented at a very high speed. In addition, due to the intangible environment of these crimes, we could be able to see very few prosecutions and even fewer convictions. In many cases, the computer technology that has been accepted for automation and advancement of a wide variety of business operations has also brought a lot of new kinds of computer violence and crime. Though, some of these system attacks only use up to date techniques to hand over older, a lot of well-known types of abuse, while remaining engaged the utilization of absolutely new kinds of against the law action that has developed together with the technology.Basically, the computer technology is used in law enforcement in an attempt to support police work in different forms for instance computer technology offers a wide variety of software tools and applications that can be used for examining data like that geographic infor mation systems and entering information regarding crimes in databases.Moreover, before the implementation of information technology into the police stations, crime related data and information was stored by hand.However, at the present, the arrival of information technology offers wonderful techniques and technologies to store huge volumes of data which are not station specific; to a certain extent it can be used by all of the police officers. Additionally, computer technology in the scenario of police can be seen in a wide variety of aspects.

Health Care Associated Infections and UK Screening Policy Essay

Health Care Associated Infections and UK Screening Policy - Essay Example Bacteria can survive in people without harming them like they can continue to exist on the skin or in the gut. Some HCAIs are caused by bacteria when they actually enter the body in the course of surgical treatments or wounds. Infections are normally cured by antibiotics. However, in certain circumstances, a number of bacteria may become resistant to antibiotics. This leads to complications in treatment of those infections. Antibiotics have the potential to supplement the natural ability to protect the body against bacterial infections. Antibiotics protect the body from bacterial infections by killing bacteria (bactericidal) or by discontinuing the process of their multiplication (bacteriostatic). Bacteria adjust to antibiotics by attaining resistance genes. Bacteria with resistance genes are not affected by antibiotics and continue to survive and also keep multiplying other bacteria that are without resistance genes. The reasons for which bacteria get resistant to antibiotics are as follows. Excessive use of antibiotics increases the probability of bacteria to get resistant to them. Antibiotics were being used to treat disease and illnesses that are not curable by them like flu and cold. In the recent years the recommendation for antibiotics has shown a declining trend by general physicians. Antibiotics courses are often left incomplete. People often leave the medications considering themselves fit, regardless of the doctors’ advised time period and dosages of antibiotics. This careless attitude and irresponsible act leaves bacteria alive and they continue to multiply, become resistant and are transmitted to others. Once people stop using the prescribed antibiotics they use the extra amount for some other infection. This further worsens the situation as different antibiotics cure different infections. Self-medication does not benefit the patient of cost cutting but it costs them higher in the future. In addition the use of random antibiotics from the self

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Moral Issues Regarding Animal Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10

Moral Issues Regarding Animal Rights - Essay Example The concept of the right would result in the fact that that the government acknowledges that some actions are forbidden in relation to animals. In addition to that, the definition of an animal should include any organism, no matter if it is wild or domesticated. Finally, the idea of harm argues that people should not torture or kill animals in case it is not justified by other aspects. For example, slaughtering a pig that was bred for it is acceptable as it a part of ham production, but torturing any animals should be recognized as an unacceptable action. There is one more peculiar point that should be noted in particular: different cultures have developed their own attitude towards animals. Thus, for Europeans killing a pig or a cow is a matter of food production. On the other hand, the Hindu believe that a cow is a sacred animal, while Jews and Arabs point out that pigs are filthy and their meat is forbidden to be eaten by their religion. That is why while working out the position towards rights of animals, the humanity should agree on some kind of a unified vision of it. Speaking of the arguments that are able to contribute to the validity of the statement that was mentioned above one is able to mention quite a few. First of all, it is often thought that developing a special attitude towards animals that includes recognition of their rights reflects the humanistic values that are being promoted by mankind. Secondly, in case people pay more attention to the living of animals, this will allow the former to contribute to finding harmony with the natural world. This is extremely important, keeping in mind the destructive impact that the activity of the people has had on the environment in the past few centuries. In other words, this will help people to reconcile with the environment and build a better and more productive relationship with it.

Biosmilars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biosmilars - Essay Example nclude assessment of toxicity and a clinical study that includes assessment of immunogenicity and pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics are required since they are sufficient to show safety, purity and strength in one or more appropriate conditions of use for which the reference product is licensed. There must also be demonstration of comparable quality from the initial development (Patrawala, 2010). There are additional risks that come up with biosimilars. Immunogenicity and switch related issues are risks that are brought about by biosimilars. These risks reduces quality, efficacy and safety of biosimilars to patients that use them. The challenges associated with the approval of biosimilars include ability to switch, immunogenicity, and traceability of batches. Other challenges that the managing bodies have encountered when approving the Biosimilars include indication extrapolation, interchangeability, and substitution. To offset the challenges mentioned, the European Medicines Agency has come up with regulatory measures in meeting the development and approval of this biosimilars. However, the goal-oriented strategies steered by the objectives are portrayed in one part of their products for the patients, which has now followed the Europe’s approach. To offset this problem, there is a need for transparent labeling of product information for biosimilars so that the patients and the physicians can use to make an informed decision. ABPI has set of codes that ensure companies devote considerate resources to that their activities are compiled with. Any complaint that is made against the company is taken as a serious matter both by the industry and the company. Sanctions are also applied agianst a firm that is rule against the breach of code (, 2015). Consequently, firm must ensure that every personnel are well trained according to the code and need to have a robust operating procedures where all the activities and materials within the code are reviewed

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

American Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

American Law - Essay Example In his ruling Justice Marshall asserted that even as congress did not have the explicit power to authorize the incorporation of the national bank, the appropriate and essential clause offered a foundation for Congress to act. After establishing the legality of the exercise of this authority, the judge made a ruling that the federal government, even while being limited in its power had supremacy within the Union (McAlinn et al. 78-85). Following the Civil War, the judgments of the Supreme Court favored the states more by invoking the tenth amendment. The tenth amendment asserts that the federal government only has power which has been delegated to it by the states and the people. Since the 1930s, the court started invoking the supremacy clause more which gave the federal government wider powers than before. The court mandated that the federal government cannot be subjected to the legislation or policy of the states unless it wills to do so. The Supremacy clause puts it upon the states to make legislation while taking into account the policy of the federal government. ... Congress may also make policies that are geared towards coexistence of state and federal policy. Some of the Union policies may be preemptive for reasons of fostering uniformity of national policy. A good example is the Wagner Act of 1935 which guides all state law regarding labor unions and relations between employee and employer. A watershed case in the issue of the supremacy clause and the tenth amendment is the 1956 case of Pennsylvania versus Nelson. This case made provisions for assessment criteria in instances of the federal government preempting the states without an explicit stating of intent. The criteria asks questions on; whether federal law is so pervasive so as to lead to the presumption that Congress left the states with no leeway but to apply it as it; whether Union interest is so dominant that there is a presumption of an exclusion of enforcement of state law on an issue and lastly if the state laws present reasonable danger of conflicting with federal programs (McAl innet al. 200-212). Question 4 The case of the father promising to pay $5000 dollars to his son if he refrained from taking Marijuana is very similar to the Hamer v. Sidway case. The contention by the defendant is that there is no consideration to support the promise made by the plaintiff making the promise unenforceable. The defendant would assert that the plaintiff benefited from his non usage of Marijuana. The father would argue on the basis that with or without the promise, the son benefitted from his abstinence from Marijuana. The father would also argue that he received no consideration from the promise and thus there is no contract. Such an agreement however lacks a basis in law since it would make contracts of mutuality unenforceable (McAlinn et al 156-8).

Leadership Styles in Professional Nursing Term Paper

Leadership Styles in Professional Nursing - Term Paper Example Since the style of leadership affects the patient’s mortality resulting from nursing care and the wellbeing of the nursing staffs (Firth-Cozens & Mowbray, 2001), the styles of leadership employed in the nursing scenario are essential. Autocratic and democratic types of leadership may positively or negatively affect the practice of nursing profession, nursing staffs and ultimately the patient depending on how it is implemented by the nurse managers. Review of Professional Nursing Literatures Autocratic style of leadership is where a manager is powerful and in authority to make decisions. The environment is influenced through sets of rewards and punishments. This is most effective when other types of leadership are not effective to manage employees. It also works when there is limited time to make decisions. However, this type of leadership should not be used in situations where employees become tensed, fearful and when employees always rely for the decision of the manager befor e they act. On the other hand, democratic leadership allows employees to be part of the decision making. This is participative in style. Employees are informed on everything that affects their work and they participates on problem solving thus the manager has to get the consensus of the group before making decisions. However, democratic leadership is not effective when there is limited time getting the decision of every employee and when safety of employees is a critical concern. Autocratic leadership is implemented in the profession of nursing in times of any emergency cases where the manager has to decide outright and employees are expected to follow without any explanations. This type of leadership is most beneficial in situations where employees are new and inexperienced and where the organization does not allow errors. Schaeffer (2002) provided an interesting finding that those emergency cases need autocratic managers for the sake of the patient. He further pointed out that man agers are equivalent to an operating room surgeon forced to do what it takes to save the patient’s life. Other emergency cases like evacuating the hospital for a possible threat needs the authoritative action of the manager to give directives to subordinates for a common goal that is to transfer everybody involved to a safer place. Another emergency situation is the need for the code blue team during cardiac arrest. On observation, the same strategy is employed by the nurse manager to effectively handle the situation that is to give directives and be in control of the situation to save the patient’s life during those crucial periods. In these scenarios, a nurse manager can raise voice to command staffs as needed. This is to make sure the nurse and the other members of the team are doing the right thing for a particular case at hand so that if the same situation emerges the group is already equipped with the skills needed. Exercising power in this method may transfer th e skill and knowledge of the nurse manager down to the subordinates. Schaeffer further pointed out that the strategy of being an autocratic leader depends on the challenges at hand. He further added that the strategy is to change the leadership style if needed. As a successful chairman himself of the Well point Health Networks, he accepted adopting different styles at critical

Monday, September 23, 2019

Moral Frameworks for Business Ethics Research Paper

Moral Frameworks for Business Ethics - Research Paper Example Organizations undergo in part a morality breadth by which the organizations are ruled. The people who execute are morally responsible to the people they serve. Similarly, they should also be an inspiration by creating trust and leading via common purpose and understanding. The decisions made by corporations cannot be separated from culture, behavior, and structure. A proposal was outlined by some researchers to associate a corporation to its political and social environment in the same way their decisions interfaced with the economic environment and the structure of the industry. This research represented a rigorous understanding call for social and ethical characteristics, which dominated decision making for corporations. In the last ten years, a large amount of journals in ethics has gained development. In the management of corporations, the strategic part of it came into existence recently and currently is used in planning and business. A researcher took a position that was radica l that there is intrinsic worth in stakeholder’s interest irrespective of if its advances to shareholders interest. From this point of view, a corporation’s success is not the last but in another way should be viewed as a vessel to the advancement of stakeholders’ interest. Ethical analysis is the way of arriving at conflicts resolution in goals and morals. It is vital in business. CSR developments have led to the questioning of investments decision’s moral sensitivity. Facts Morality is majorly on the norms, beliefs, and values which are embedded in the process of socialization, which defines the wrong and right of a specific society. All human beings have a morality which is basic in sensing of wrong and right in association with an activity. In a corporation, the management personnel is recognized as moral people. Moral problems majorly concentrate on the harms brought by or caused to people in ways they cannot control. The principle of harm has been d erived from many sources inclusive of utilitarian, contractual, virtue ethics and deontology. According to the utilitarian, the correct actions are the ones which excavate the best from any given situation. Therefore, harming others does not produce anything good, and if harm is prevented there are always good results in most cases. Every manager in any corporation makes decisions based on this case. Moral problems majorly focus on harms caused to specific groups or individuals beyond their control. The moral problems, which are related to working conditions, are complicated as the harm they cause to particular people or group is due to the benefits derived by others. For instance, the employees of a specific company might be working under pathetic conditions as their managers have embezzled some funds that were meant to deal with the situation. In contrary, a company at times has to execute irrespective of the harm that is caused to other people. The secret behind morality is relat ed to the notion that moral issues are not measures which vary with economic and cultural conditions. The application of morality to business has been made more acceptable than before. Morality in business provides an explicit framework of morality within which business can specifically be evaluated activities by corporations.  

System of Inquiry Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

System of Inquiry - Research Paper Example Lateness is a hallmark of laziness. It shows that the individual being late is not taking enough time out in his or her day to plan the day out so that they will budget enough time to do everything that needs to get done. People who are disorganized generally have such difficulty keeping up with all the things going on around them, that they cannot focus on what is happening now. Thus, people who are disorganized are generally (but not always) late. Once people know someone is disorganized so much that they always arrive places late, they usually don't give these people the benefit of the doubt. They probably figure that this person is so discombobulated that they have no clue how to run their own lives, and, it follows that these people are probably not trusted by many people to follow through. Being late is generally a characteristic that should be looked upon with shame. Therefore, if one is always prompt, one can be proud, hold one's head up high, and know that responsibilities were taken seriously enough to have the respect for others to come to work or school on time or early. In other words, what we do matters. ... Once people know someone is disorganized so much that they always arrive places late, they usually don't give these people the benefit of the doubt. They probably figure that this person is so discombobulated that they have no clue how to run their own lives, and, it follows that these people are probably not trusted by many people to follow through. Being late is generally a characteristic that should be looked upon with shame. Therefore, if one is always prompt, one can be proud, hold one's head up high, and know that responsibilities were taken seriously enough to have the respect for others to come to work or school on time or early. It is a hallmark of an upstanding individual in the community to always be polite. "Politeness means speaking and acting in a civil way and using good manners" ("Character Attributes," 2010, p. 1). Generally, "[p]oliteness is best expressed as the practical application of good manners" ("Polite," 2010, p. 1). One may ask, "Why be polite" Polite people are more likely to get ahead in life in many ways. People who are polite have doors opened for them, and open doors for other people (literally and figuratively). Generally, people who are mean and rude are not going to get promoted at work. Nor will rude and mean people be given the benefit of the doubt when something goes wrong in their lives. People who are rude and mean are not pleasant to be around. People who are polite are much more pleasant and inviting people, and therefore people don't mind hanging around people who are polite. Politeness will bring a person success in life. No matter who one is, politeness can open doors for people. People who are nice may be more favored to get a raise. Polite people may also be

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Toast Box Essay Example for Free

Toast Box Essay Firstly joining food and drink market in 2005, Toast box now becomes a well-know business with 71 outlets in Singapore and other six Asian countries. This seven-year-old trademark serves up various sorts of bread and coffee with traditional flavor, reminding of the warm atmosphere of local Nanyang coffee shops of the 60s and 70s. Aiming at reinforcing its special strong position in the market, starting a franchise in Vietnam has been put under Toast box’s consideration. This will open the business up on the one hand to opportunities of expanding its outlet system, and on the other to pressure from coping with more competitors in an unfamiliar market. Firstly, the advantages of franchising Toast box in Vietnam concerns its profit from name recognition and assorted and distinctive food and drink. It usually takes long time for a business to develop a recognizable presence with the customers; however, compared to normal start-up enterprises, Toast box has already succeeded in attaining a stable status in people’s mind through its websites and social network like Facebook. In addition, various sorts of bread and coffee also make Toast box stand out from other competitors. Its distinctive flavor of freshly toasted bread and fragrant coffee creates unforgettable experiences for everyone tries it at the first time. Toast box would soon become a part of Vietnam cuisine culture. Besides, franchising in Vietnam also puts Toast box at a considerable disadvantage. As Vietnamese personal income is not really high, Vietnam is a relatively sensitive market to price strategies. Admittedly, not many people are willing to pay 2-5$ for each breakfast with a cup of Milo Dinosaur coffee, a thick toast bread set, or Nonyan Laska in Vietnam. Meanwhile, Toast box’s competitor are putting premium on cheap price, which may pose huge challenge to the new comer. Unless the price strategy is taken into careful consideration, Toast box may lose out its fans in Vietnam. In conclusion, starting a Toast box franchise in Vietnam contains a lot of implicit advantages and disadvantages. A distinctive know-how and franchising experiences in other foreign countries such as China, Philippines, and Thailand is the driving force to help Toast box survive and develop in Vietnam market.

Frederick Life and Times of Frederick Douglass Essay Example for Free

Frederick Life and Times of Frederick Douglass Essay Frederick Douglass (born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, February 1818 – February 20, 1895) was an American abolitionist, editor, author, salesman, and reformer. Douglass is one of the most prominent figures in African American history and a formidable public presence. He was a firm believer in equality of all people whether they were black, women, native Americans or immigrants. He was fond of saying I would unite with anybody to do right and nobody to do wrong. Frederick was born a slave in Maryland. He was only with his mother for a couple of weeks, he was raised by his grandparents. His mother, Harriot Bailey, died when he was only seven years old. The identity of his father is obscure. It was said that his father was a white man, perhaps his owner. He later said he knew nothing about his father. At the age of six his grandmother took him to the plantation and left him there. At the age of eight he was sent to Baltimore to live with his owners brother Hugh Auld. It was shortly after he arrived that Mrs Auld started to teach him the alphabet and how to read. Her husband thought it was wrong saying that he would become dissatisfied with his life and have a desire for freedom. Hugh forbid his wife to continue so Douglass took it upon himself to learn. The white kids in the neighborhood helped him learn and in return Douglass would give away his food. At the age of twelve he purchased a book called The Columbian Orator. It helped him to gain a different look and understanding on the power of the written and spoken words. Frederick returned to the eastern shore at the age of fifteen he became a field hand. During this time he had an encounter with the slave breaker Edward Covey. Covey restored his sense of self-worth after the fights. At the age of eighteen he was sent back to live with the Auld family. In September 1838 he succeeded in escaping from slavery by impersonating a sailor. he then moved to New Bedford, Massachusetts where he and his newly married wife Anna Murray begin to raise a family. When he had a chance, he went to abolitionist meetings. In October 1841 after one of the meetings he became a lecturer. He became partners with William Lloyd Garrison. This work led him to public speaking and writing. He also participated in the very first womans right conventions. He also wrote three autobiographies starting with Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass followed by My Bondage and my Freedom in 1855 and ending with Life and Times of Frederick Douglass which he wrote after the civil war in 1892. When he returned to the United States he published his own newspaper The North Star. Douglass was recognized all over the world as an uncompromising abolitionist, indefatigable worker for equal opportunity and justice. Douglass fought for equality for his people. He was also recognized for a defender of womens rights. Douglass became a trusted advisor of Lincoln, recorder of Deeds for Washington, D. C, United States Marshal for the District of Columbia, and Minister-General to the Republic of Haiti. In 1872 Douglass was the first African American to receive a nomination for Vice President of the United States. During the campaign, he neither campaigned for the ticket nor even acknowledged that he had been nominated. In 1877 he was appointed to United States Marshal. He was appointed to the Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia in 1877. After his wife died in 1882 he was in a state of depression until his associate Ida B Wells brought meaning back to life for him. Douglass remarried in 1884 to Helen Pitts, a white feminist from New York. The couple faced a storm of controversy as a result of their marriage since she was a white woman and nearly 20 years younger than him. Later in life Douglass was determined to find out his birthday. He adopted February 14th because of his mother, she used to always call him her little valentine. On February 20th 1895 Douglass attended a meeting of the National Council of Women in Washington D. C. Shortly after the meeting he returned home, Douglass died of a stroke or a massive heart attack in his adopted home town of Washington D. C. He is buried in Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, New York. Frederick Douglass was sought to exemplify three keys for success. Believe in yourself, Take advantage of every opportunity, and Use the power of spoken and written language to effect positive change for yourself and society. Douglass also stated that Whatever is possible for me is possible for you. By taking these key words and making them his own, Douglass created a life of honor, respect and success that he never would have dreamed of when he was a younger boy living on the plantation. Works Cited http://www. frederickdouglass. org/douglass_bio. html Douglass, Frederick Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, Christian Age Office. 1895 http://www. history. rochester. edu/class/douglass/part4. html. Fight for Emancipation. Accessed April 19, 2007.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Issues with Business-to-consumer E-commerce

Issues with Business-to-consumer E-commerce Introduction: The long-term prosperity of business-to-consumer e-commerce depends upon the existence of consumers confidence and the availability of adequate supporting legal framework with effective means of enforcement. Because of the technological development e-commerce industry is growing with enormous speed. Majority of consumers prefer to buy products online and make electronic transactions with companies situated outside their national boundaries. The expansive use of e-commerce and the existence of complex legal framework necessitate that efforts should be made to introduce new means of enforcing Business to Consumer e-contracts and disputes resolution across state borders. This research work will mainly concentrate upon the existing issues in enforcing business to consumer e-contracts across national borders. These include the issue of jurisdiction, the issue of applicable law and the issue of enforcement. Furthermore it will evaluate thoroughly the need for new means of disputes resolution in cross border B2C e-commerce transactions. It will further assess the potentials of B2C e-commerce disputes resolution through internal complaint handling mechanism and direct contact with business. It will also evaluate the Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms, such as facilitative ADR, Advisory ADR, Determinative ADR, Combined ADR etc and will recommend how these forms of disputes resolution can be effectively implemented on national level and to be of binding nature. basic principle such as equality, fair treatment, affordability, Awareness about the ADR principles, accessibility to ADR mechanism, finality and rapidness of ADR process, and objectives of ADR. The research work will further analyse the concept of ADR in legal perspective and will suggest that what efforts should be made on international, regional and national level to promote the use and development of ADR, particularly in disputes arising out of cross-border transactions. It will take into consideration various legislative and other legal instruments i.e. European Union Directive on Electronic Commerce, OECD E-commerce Guidelines, European Commission Recommendations 1998, European Commission Recommendations 2001, International Chamber of Commerce best practices, ADR Guidelines 2003, International Consumer groups and International Businesses groups, and EEJ-NET etc and will suggest if necessary amendments are needed. The research work will also focus on the current obstacles in the expansion of ADR mechanism, such as unawareness of businesses and consumers of ADR process and its benefits, Lack of trained and educated specialist in dispute resolution, cultural and linguistic issues Due to cross-border nature of e-commerce, and jurisdictional and procedural issues resulting from the multi-national nature of e-commerce etc. Moreover this research will propose certain recommendations that how the current obstacles may be removed to paved a way for an effective dispute resolution system, compatible with the need of time, such as making of legislation on international, regional and national level to determine the issue of jurisdiction, applicable law and enforcement of judgement, making efforts by the governments to create awareness and educate people about the effective means of enforcing their rights and resolving disputes, the creation of independent bodies and institutions on international, regional and national level to deal with e-contracts enforcement and disputes resolution, the encouragement of both traditional and modern mechanisms of disputes resolution, the availability of internal complaint handling department in every business etc. Aim and objectives: The main aim of this study is to evaluate the existing issues in cross-border Business-to-Consumers ecommerce transactions. Specifically the research focuses on judicial obstacles, such as the issue of jurisdiction, applicable law, and enforcement. This study further suggests that what could be the best alternatives to address these issues and increase consumers confidence in online shopping. Hypothesis: According to my hypothesis the following are the main issues inherent in resolving business-to-consumers cross-borders ecommerce disputes. Issue of jurisdiction: The first and the most important issue in B2C ecommerce dispute is the issue of Jurisdiction. When a consumer in one country purchase a product online in another country and subsequently a dispute arises between the parties and consumer wants to seek judicial remedy, than in such case a question arises that which court is having territorial jurisdiction to entertain the matter. Applicable law: The matter of applicable law in ecommerce is another considerable issue. It is very difficult to determine that under which legal system or under what law the matter should be dealt with. Issue of enforcement: The issue of enforcement also needs to be addressed. In resolving business-to-consumers ecommerce dispute it is unclear that how and where the judgement may be enforced. Literature review: Literature review literally means a review of whatever has already been written by different scholars about the existing research topic, and than to demonstrate that the existing research is deficient and needs some supplementing. In todays advance technology the use of ecommerce is increasing. â€Å"Between 2004 and 2008, in EU the use of shopping through internet increased from 22% to 34%. In the UK in 2008, 57% consumers did online shopping, in Germany, Denmark and Netherlands the figure remained above 50%. In Estonia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Portugal the figure was respectively 10%, while in Romania and Bulgaria it was about 4%†. Although e-commerce is increasing at national level, it is still comparatively unusual for consumers to participate in cross-borders transactions. Consequently the gape between interstate and cross-border e-commerce is expanding. From 2006 to 2008, in EU the figure of online consumers increased from 27% to 33% while cross-border e-commerce remained still at 6% to 7%. On national level â€Å"laws that apply to traditional or off line commerce apply equally in an electronic environment. For instance laws governing business incorporation, registration, taxation, consumer protection, deceptive advertising, product safety and standards, criminal code, inter-provincial trade treaties, intellectual property and liability apply on the internet†. But when the matter goes beyond the territorial boundaries and involves another state than the situation changes completely and gives rise to uncertainty and ambiguity. In an ordinary civil matter the territorial jurisdiction of civil court may be determined on three factors i.e. where the parties reside, where the cause of action arises or where the property is situated. But when any dispute arises out of any electronic transaction that takes place across national borders, the first question arises that which court is having jurisdiction to entertain the matter. So it is very difficult to decide the jurisdiction and competency of the court. For instance, it is if an issue arises out of cross-border e-commerce transaction and the consumer wants to seek judicial remedy than in that case whether the court of consumers country will entertain the matter or it will come under the territorial jurisdiction of the court where the business is situated. According to Scott Cooper, â€Å"in resolving cross-border complaints it is very difficult to determine the matter of jurisdiction. Consumers are confident to resort to the courts of the countries where the businesses are based and in return the businesses will not be keen regarding trans-border transactions that could subject them to the reach of every country where there online customers resides†. Scott Cooper further states that â€Å"different levels have been established by different governments to protect and enforce consumer rights, but there are no international documents or agreements to determine the fact that which country is having jurisdiction to deal with cross-border B2C dispute†. Furthermore it is also very difficult to determine that under which legal system or under what law the matter should be resolved. There is no apparent legislation to conclude that whether the law of consumers state will apply or the matter should be governed by the law of the state where the business is based or it should be dealt with by an international legal system on uniform basis irrespective of geographic location. Similarly it is also unclear that how and where the judgement regarding the subject matter may be enforced. According to Chin Eang Ong â€Å"in a traditional marketplace, consumers knows means of enforcing their rights, but in electronic marketplace in an online transaction, delegating liability and providing access for redress might be a problem for consumers. A transaction is curable when it takes place within a single jurisdiction i.e. access to local court, but e-commerce is borderless and recourse to courts in any cross-border electronic transaction is complicated by difficulty jurisdiction over such dispute and the applicable law†. According to Mohamed S. Wahab because of technological advancement transactions are taking place in an online environment across national borders, where disputes are inevitable. Some of these disputes are unique to the e-commerce environment. Therefore it needs an effective mechanism of dispute resolution. Keeping in view the existing obstacles in resolving business-to-consumer cross-border e-commerce disputes resolution it is inevitable to consider substitute means to protect the rights of the parties and encourage them to participate in cross-border e-commerce. Some international and regional organizations have proposed that cross-border e-commerce disputes should be resolved through internal complaint system. For instance â€Å"the OECD ecommerce guidelines†, â€Å"the UN guidelines†, and â€Å"the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation Voluntary Online Consumer Protection guidelines† recommend the establishment of fair, effective and transparent internal mechanisms for businesses and consumers representatives in order to address consumer complaints and resolve their queries in fair and timely manner without imposing undue burden or cost upon consumers. When dispute between the parties can not be resolved through internal complaint handling mechanism than the parties should be given access to Alternative Dispute Resolution, as it can offer timely, efficient and cost-effective instrument to resolve cross-border disputes. Alternative Disputes Resolution is a mechanism other than judicial determination, whereby disputes are resolved through the medium of impartial third party by adopting different ways and means. When ADR takes place through internet than it is called Online Disputes Resolution. There is an extensive choice of ADR mechanisms. The most commonly used mechanisms are â€Å"arbitration†, â€Å"mediation† and â€Å"negotiation†. National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) uses the term ADR in a broader sense. According to NADRAC submission â€Å"ADR mechanisms is consist of facilitative ADR, advisory ADR, determinative ADR, and some time the combination of these mechanisms†. According to UN report, the main challenge in e-commerce industry is how to resolve cross-border e-commerce disputes. Traditional methods of resolving disputes may not provide an efficient and effective remedy; therefore there is a need for considering alternative means that would provide speedy and cost efficient redress to the parties. Dr. Moira Patterson has adopted the same view. She states that there are two issues involved in e-commerce i.e. which law should govern cross-border transaction and that such transactions should either be subjected to national laws or should be dealt with by international instruments. In such circumstances Alternative Disputes Resolution offers a cost-effective and speedy solution through the medium of third party. According to Lilian Edwards and Caroline Wilson, â€Å"Online Dispute resolution introduces very powerful and efficient tools for dispute resolution and increases access to redress mechanisms. ODR is an efficient, fast, and cheap way of dispute resolution, Court costs are beyond the means of most consumers and takes twenty to thirty months, while ODR process may take few hours or days†. To look at the concept of Alternative Disputes Resolution in legal perspective, efforts have been made on international, regional and national level to encourage the use and development of Alternative Dispute Resolution, particularly in disputes arising out of cross-border transactions. But they do not have any binding effects. It is a discretionary option for the states to apply and adopt them in their national laws. For instance, Art 17 of the EU Directive on Electronic Commerce deals with out-of-court dispute settlement. â€Å"The Article imposes responsibility upon member states to support those bodies that are responsible for out-of-court disputes settlement of consumer to operate in a way which provides sufficient practical guarantees for the concerned parties. And that the member states shall ensure that their legislation does not obstruct the use of out-of-court methods, accessible under the state law, for dispute settlement†. According to OECD E-commerce Guidelines, â€Å"consumers should be given access to fair and timely ADR and remedy without undue cost or burden. And that Businesses, consumer representatives and governments should work jointly to continue to use and develop just, efficient, and transparent self-regulatory and other strategies and measures, including ADR mechanisms, to address consumer complaints and resolve their disputes arising out of Business-to-consumer electronic commerce in cross-border transactions†. Similarly the European Commission issued recommendations in 1998 which prescribes principles of independence, transparency, adversarial proceedings, effectiveness, legality, liberty, and representation for out-of-court consumers disputes settlement. Furthermore â€Å"Recommendations issued by European Commission in 2001 governs out-of-court procedures which lead to a settlement between the parties by common consent. It prescribes four principles i.e. impartiality, transparency, effectiveness, and fairness of procedure in-order to encourage consumers confidence in e-commerce and to ensure easy access to practical, effective, and inexpensive means of redress†. Moreover the International Chamber of Commerce has issued best practices for ODR. It provides guidance for online businesses and for ODR providers. It encourages businesses to resolve consumer disputes through the medium of Online Disputes Resolution mechanism when the matter can not be resolved internally. ADR Guidelines 2003 agreed between Consumers International and the Global Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce. â€Å"These guidelines prescribe recommendations for ADR providers on impartiality and qualification of personnel, accessibility and convenience, speed, cost, transparency, representation, applicable rules and consumer awareness. It also recommends to governments to address international rules on jurisdiction and applicable law and to adopt different measures to promote increased use and development of ADR†. Methodology: In research methodology I will pursue triangulation method by adopting both quantitative (questionnaires) and qualitative (interviews) research methodologies. The main reason behind using various methods of research is that â€Å"it facilitates the validation of data through cross verification from more than two sources. In particular it refers to the application and combination of several research methodologies in the study of the same phenomenon†. Sampling: In selecting my respondents I will use both probability sampling method and non-probability sampling method. In probability sampling method I will choose my respondents from a list of potential people that I will use for primary data collection. Such list will be obtained from an existing database of a research organization such as IPSOS MORI. In non-probability sampling method I will question or interview any one who is available. This method is very quick and cost efficient. Method of data collection: For collecting primary data I will use two methods, which are questionnaire and interviews. I will also consult a research organization such as IPSOS MORI, for collecting data for my research work. Questionnaire: For collecting data through questionnaires first of all I will select my target group to be examined through questionnaire. For this purpose I will adopt probability and non-probability sampling methods as mentioned above in sampling section. For questionnaire distribution I will use three methods i.e. sending emails, using postal services and onsite distribution by going to particular places i.e. supermarkets, travel centres to distribute the questions among randomly selected individuals. I will also get in touch with various businesses that are involved in cross borders E-commerce and will analyse their procedure for resolving B2C E-commerce disputes through the medium of questionnaire and conducting interviews. In current research work I have conducted a pilot research to make sure that the questions that will be asked in my actual dissertation are answerable and that the methods that will be used are workable in practical sense. I have distributed 50 questionnaires among the students in Bradford College. The response of the participants was very high and positive. The questions used in questionnaires were quite simple, which I will improve further by making amendments and improvements in my dissertation stage. A sample of questionnaire is attached at the end of this research proposal in appendix 1. Interviews: Interview is the most popular technique of qualitative research. It is very useful because of its flexibility, both in terms of content and time and can be tailored to suit the research questions, respondents, and the researchers own life style much more effectively. The use of interview can help the researcher to gather valid and reliable data that are relevant to the research question and objectives. For collecting data I will use face-to-face interviews, as it is a useful method of data collection and is used by most of the researchers because body language and emotions of the participant can also be studied which is a fundamental factor for a qualitative researcher. I will also use phone interviews and e-mail interviews. Interview will be semi structured and unstructured, and the questions may either be already prepared on a peace of paper or they may be generated during the interview process. There will be in-depth interviews with the participants in order to collect as much information as possible regarding the research topic. If the participants are having any difficulty in understanding the questions I will clarify and explain the question. I can also use opinion poll method to find out public opinion, by making a random selection from the general public. In my current research proposal I have interviewed 15 people in order to check the response and effectiveness of conducting interviews. The response I got from the participants was high but the result obtained from interviews was different from questionnaire although the interview questions were almost similar to the questionnaires. In order to get similar results I will make changes in interview questions to improve the quality and response rate and to make it more attractive for the respondents. A summary of interviews is attached at the end of this proposal in appendix 2. Secondary Data: I will also use secondary data in my research work. In order to conduct my research work effectively I will use different library services to access books, scholarly articles, journals and magazines relating to the research topic. For collecting relevant data I will use internet to access online libraries, electronic books and other online materials. I will also make efforts to study case law in the field of E-commerce to find out that how the courts deal with the matters and to look at the courts procedure about resolving e-commerce disputes and will compare them with out of court settlement methods. Data analysis: Data analysis is a continuous procedure during the whole research. The analysis starts from the point where the researcher and the participants are in close relation for the first time during a research process. For data analysis previous knowledge and experience of the researcher is of vital importance in order to get effective results. Data analysis is an important part of the research, where the researcher prepares the data for analysis. Once a data is analysed it is interpreted and than converted into a final report. The traditional methods of data analysis are now replaced by computer software available in the market. As I have selected questionnaire and interview as my primary data collection process, therefore the questionnaire and interview questions will be prepared in such manners that the acquired result obtained from them is valid and reliable, so that the same results can be gained when the research is repeated subsequently. Triangulation method is used in this research methodology because the data collected can be compared from different angles to get the accurate results for the research. Conclusion: After a detailed study of e-commerce and the existence of certain problems i.e. problem of jurisdiction, applicable law and enforcement of judgement, it is therefore apparent and inevitable for building up consumers confidence and e-commerce development that new means of enforcing B2C e-contracts should be adopted. As obvious from the literature review there are no uniform legal principles and legislation on international, regional and national level regulating disputes arising out of e-commerce transaction that takes place across state-borders. There are no binding principles to compel the parties to perform their part of obligation. Similarly literature review further indicates that efforts have been made by different governments and organizations to escalate the problem of enforcing B2C e-contracts and to resolve disputes that arising out of cross-border transaction, but they are only guidelines and voluntary principles of non-binding nature. Although new means of enforcing B2C e-contracts and disputes resolution across state borders are in practice i.e. ADR/ODR, but there are a number of obstacles in developing these mechanisms, such as non-awareness of consumers about ADR, non-availability of independent ADR practitioners, linguistic and cultural differences, distance between the parties. All these barriers need proper and positive response from governments, different organizations and private sector. New ways and means need to be introduce in order to increase consumers confidence in cross-border e-commerce because traditional means of dispute resolution such as court proceedings and other administrative actions are very expensive and time consuming, particularly in small value claims. Therefore it can be concluded that to resolve cross-borders e-commerce disputes it is inevitable to adopt, strengthen and support new means of disputes resolution on international, regional and national level to provide an effective, timely and cost-effective system to build up consumers confidence and develop e-commerce. References Lee, N., Lings, I. (2008) Doing Business Research, A Guide to Theory and Practice. SAGE Publications, 2008, p80 Commission Of The European Communities, Report on cross-border e-commerce in the EU, Commission Staff Working Document, Brussels, 5.3.2009, SEC(2009) 283 final, p5 Commission Of The European Communities, Report on cross-border e-commerce in the EU, Commission Staff Working Document, Brussels, 5.3.2009, SEC(2009) 283 final, p6 Key e-commerce Regulatory Issues, An EBC Guide to Taxation, Security and Privacy, E-export and Legal Issues Commission Of The European Communities, Report on cross-border e-commerce in the EU, Commission Staff Working Document, Brussels, 5.3.2009, SEC(2009) 283 final, p5 Commission Of The European Communities, Report on cross-border e-commerce in the EU, Commission Staff Working Document, Brussels, 5.3.2009, SEC(2009) 283 final, p5 Ong, C.E. (2003) B2C E-commerce Trust in Redress Mechanism (Cross Border Issue) Monash University, Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia A new Dawn for dispute resolution, the Global Information Society and online dispute resolution, 9/21/2006, Muhammad S. Wahab OECD Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce (1999) United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection, United Nations New York, 2003 Asian-pacific, Advancing Free Trade for Asia-pacific Prosperity, Economic Cooperation, Electronic Commerce Steering Group The term Arbitration refers to a process or a legal technique whereby a dispute is resolved outside the court through the medium of arbitrators. This mechanism is very useful in resolving disputes arising out of international commercial transaction. Mediation is a process whereby an impartial third party facilitates communication between consumer and business. Mediator tries to enable the parties to reach a settlement. Negotiation is an interaction of influences. It includes the process of resolving disputes, agreeing upon courses of action, bargaining for collective or individual advantage, or crafting outcomes to satisfy various interests. Submission on ADR in e-commerce, by National Alternative Disputes Resolution Advisory Council, p2 E-commerce and Development Report, 2003, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Internet edition prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat, United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2003, UNCTAD/SIDTE/ECB/2003/1 Dr. Patterson, M. (2001) An Australian Free Trade Agreement- Opportunities Challenges, Hyatt Hotel, Canberra, Session 4b, Infoeconomy issue, E-commerce Law, Law School Monash University Edward, L., Wilson, C. (2006) Redress Alternative Dispute Resolution in Cross-Border E-commerce Transactions, Briefing Note, IP/A/IMCO/IC/2006-206, p3 Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of June 2000, on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the internal market (Directive on electronic commerce), Article 17 OECD Guidelines for consumer protection in the context of electronic commerce, p 18 98/257/EC: Commission Recommendation of 30 March 1998 on the principles applicable to the bodies responsible for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, official journal of European Communities Commission Recommendations of 4 April 2001 on the principles for out-of-court bodies involving in the consensual resolution of consumer disputes, Official Journal of European Communities ICC best practices for Online Disputes Resolution for B2C and C2C transactions, Department of policy and business practices, commission on e-Business, IT and Telecom Alternative Dispute Resolution Guidelines, May, 2003, Agreement reached between Consumers International and the Global Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce Bogdan, R.C. Biklen, S.K. (2006) Qualitative Research in Education: An introduction to theory and methods, Allyn Bacon Lee, N., Lings I. (2008) Doing Business Research, A Guide to Theory and Practice, SAGE Publications, p 217 aunders, M et al. (2007) Research Methods for Business Students, Prentice Hall, 4th Edition, p310